Restaurant Accounting Intelligence

The biggest hurdle most restaurants face is the migration from a paper-pencil system to a completely…


Most restaurants fail due to financial mismanagement of any or all elements necessary to restaurant accounting.…

Guide to Advertising Technology

Advertising technology threatens the reputation and economic viability of news publishers. Slow load times and distracting…

Disinformation That Kills

Disinformation is not new — it has simply adapted to meet today’s technical and political realities.…

Weaponizing the Digital Influence Machine

Digital Influence Machine (DIM) allows political actors to zero in on those believed to be the…

Weaponizing water

The role of water as a strategic asset and powerful tool during violent conflict and war…

Unskilled and Unaware of It – Justin Kruger and David Dunning

McArthur Wheeler walked into two Pittsburgh banks and robbed them in broad daylight. He was arrested…

The key predictor of antisocial behavior and violent crime (as opposed to nonviolent crime) is poor emotion regulation in early childhood

Research has confirmed that there are reliable predictors of antisocial behavior in boys as early as…

Antisocial Behavior in Online Discussion Communities

User-generated content is critical to the success of any online platforms. While most users tend to…

When open data is a Trojan Horse: The weaponization of transparency in science and governance

Recent high-profile scandals have brought to light problems of erroneous analysis, falsified data, problematic methodology, and…