Financial goals

Step 1 You can categorize your financial goals in terms of when you hope to accomplish…

Cash flow planning

The central role of cash in your financial plan is illustrated in Figure 3.1. Budgeting decisions…

Record keeping – paper and digital

Communicating your financial plan to your family is critical. You will need these records when you…


Retirement planning involves determining how much to save for retirement and how to invest that money.…


You know you need to accumulate some funds for liquidity to meet day-to-day expenses and to…


Insurance planning is a component of your financial plan that determines the types and amounts of…


Major purchases such as cars, houses, and paying for college typically require borrowing money for long…

Managing Liquidity

Liquidity refers to how much readily available cash you have on hand for meeting immediate wants…

Components of a financial plan

Step 1 Budget planning is the process of forecasting future expenses and income. The first step…

What to plan for

Every person is different. Everyone has his or her own personal goals. These can range from…