Data Flow Diagrams

A data flow diagram, or DFD, is used by systems professionals to show the logical meticulously…

Document Flowcharts

Document flowcharts show the flow of documents and information among departments or units within an organization.…

System Flowcharts

System flowcharts are used by systems professionals in the design and maintenance of IT systems. They…

Process Map

Process maps are pictorial representations of business processes in which the actual flow and sequence of…

Documenting Processes and Systems

Accountants must understand the documentation and charts that describe accounting systems. A picture, or chart, of…

Modeling Tax Evasion with Genetic Algorithms

Tax evasion schemes are constantly evolving. There is no systematic method to anticipate the emergence of…

Tax Evasion Schemes

We detect tax law abuse by simulating the co-evolution of tax evasion schemes and their discovery…

When Algorithms Fail

The is a program of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The program is…

Vaccine Distribution Algorithm

The university hospital blamed a “very complex algorithm” for its unequal vaccine distribution plan. During a…

Revenue Maximization

It was recently shown that revenue optimization can be efficiently reduced to welfare optimization in all…