This paper introduces a simple description language, ZKPDL, and an interpreter for this language. ZKPDL implements non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge, a primitive which has received much attention in recent years. Using our language, a single program may specify the computation required by both the prover and verifier of a zero- knowledge protocol. Our interpreter performs a number of optimizations to lower both computational and space overhead.

E is a form of payment system is used in the BitTorrent network is used for sharing of data is used as part of the system. In the system for the exchange of data was used as a way to share data. The use of e-cash is a way for the users to exchange data. In this way, the users can make and receive payments. The system is designed to be secure and anonymous. It is possible to use the same e-coin for multiple transactions.

In such a system, routers would be paid for forwarding messages using e-cash. Since P2P systems like these require each user to perform many cryptographic exchanges, the need to provide high performance for repeated executions of these protocols is paramount. In this paper, we hope to bridge the gap between design and deployment by providing a language, ZKPDL, that enables programmers and cryptographers to implement privacy-preserving protocols more easily.

