Stats from Toast POS

Restaurant Economy Statistics

  • A whopping 45% of diners go out to eat multiple times a week, with another 20% going out to eat once a week. (Source)
  • The Restaurant Performance Index (RPI) sits at 101.6 as of May 2019. Anything over 100 is considered a time of growth for restaurants. (Source)
  • Projected annual sales in the restaurant industry are $863 billion – that’s 4% of the country’s gross domestic product. (Source)
  • In 1955, the restaurant industry comprised 25% of the family food dollar. In 2019, that number rose to 51%. (Source)
  • American consumers spend 33% of their income on housing, 15.8% on transportation, and 12.6% on food. (Source)
  • 1 in 3 Americans have their first job experience in restaurants – 6 in 10 adults have worked in restaurants at some point. (Source)
  • 52% of restaurant professionals named high operating and food costs as a top challenge. (Source)

Restaurant Employment Statistics

  • More than 9 out of 10 restaurants have fewer than 50 employees. (Source)
  • 51% of restaurant operators name staffing as a top challenge to success, and 35% say training staff is a top challenge. (Source)
  • There are currently 15.3 million employees in the restaurant industry. (Source)
  • There will be 16.9 million jobs in the restaurant industry by 2029. (Source)
  • Turnover in the restaurant industry is at an all time high, at 75%. (Source)
  • Restaurants employ more women and minority managers than any other industry. (Source)
  • It can cost $2000 to hire and train a new staff member. (Source)
  • It can cost up to $15000 for a new manager – so it’s no wonder restaurant operators are so concerned about turnover. (Source)
  • The United States’s unemployment rate, as of June 2019, is extremely low, at 3.7%. (Source)
  • As a result of minimum wage increases, 47% of restaurant operators admitted they have scheduled employees for fewer hours each week in the past twelve months. (Source)
  • For the same reason, 16% of restaurant operators have had to halt hiring efforts to lower labor costs. (Source)
  • In the past ten years, between 1.7 and 1.8 million Bachelor’s degrees are awarded annually, limiting the amount of people who are willing to work in low-paying restaurant jobs. (Source)
  • 68% of restaurants offer an employee handbook to new hires. (Source)
  • 32% of restaurants provide sexual harassment training to their staff. (Source)
  • 46% of restaurants offer a mentor program. (Source)
  • 53% of restaurants offer food safety and alcohol certification training.(Source)

Restaurant Promotion Statistics

  • 67% of restaurants plan to pay for social media ads in 2019. (Source)
  • 53% plan to invest in being a community event or charity sponsor.  (Source)
  • When it comes to social media, restaurants are most likely to use Facebook (91% of restaurants) and Instagram (78%). Instagram has skyrocketed in popularity for restaurant promotion since last year, when only 24% reported using it. (Source)
  • Restaurants are least likely to use YouTube for promotions (only 14% of restaurants report using it). (Source)
  • When dealing with negative online reviews or in-person feedback, 23% of restaurateurs reach out directly to the person who gave the feedback. 15% put the feedback to use when giving performance reviews to front-of-house or back-of-house staff. Some restaurant professionals — 2% — admitted to never taking action when receiving negative guest feedback. (Source)

Restaurant Sales Statistics

  • As a result of minimum wage increases, 65% of restaurants have increased menu prices. (Source)
  • 68% of restaurant professionals review sales reports on a regular basis, 45% regularly review labor reports, and 32% regularly review menu reports – and 17% admitted that they don’t check any of these regularly. (Source)
  • 91% of restaurateurs expect profits to increase in 2019 (Source)
  • If they had extra money on hand, 47% of restaurateurs would repair or update their equipment (Source)

Restaurant Consumer Statistics

  • Pent-up demand for restaurants remains high, with 39% of adults not eating on premises at restaurants as often as they would like. (Source)
  • 78% of millenials say they would rather spend money on an experience, such as a restaurant or other activity, compared to purchasing an item from a store. (Source
  • If offered, 41% of consumers would buy a make-at-home meal kit from their favorite restaurant. (Source)
  • 72% of diners ranked high quality food as the top factor that goes into choosing a restaurant to visit. Surprisingly, only 48% said value was their number-one factor.  (Source)
  • When placing an online order, a patron is more likely to use a restaurant’s website than a third-party site like Grubhub. (Source)
  • When receiving an online order, guests ranked speed as the most important, followed by value, and then the quality of the food. (Source)
  • 35% of diners said they are influenced by online reviews when choosing a restaurant.  (Source)

Restaurant Payment Statistics

  • 54% of millenials say a self-ordering kiosk improves the guest experience. (Source)
  • When paying for a low-ticket item (e.g. coffee), 62% of guests opt to use their credit or debit card.(Source)
  • When paying for a high-ticket item (e.g. fancy dinner), 88% of guests pay with their card. (Source)
  • 4% of restaurants offer payment through Venmo. (Source)
  • Only 31% of restaurants offer mobile pay. (Source)
  • 50% of people still want printed receipts, but 36% are happy with digital receipts – and 14% don’t want a receipt at all.(Source)

Restaurant Food Statistics

  • 31% of restaurateurs update their menu on a monthly basis. 24% do it seasonally. (Source)
  • 61% of diners say they are more likely to eat healthy at a restaurant than they were two years ago. (Source)
  • To reduce food waste, 28% of restaurants repurpose food trimmings, 26% offer varied portion sizes, and 25% compost.  (Source)
  • 51% of consumers say they are more likely to visit a restaurant that offers environmentally-friendly food items. (Source)
  • Diners love breakfast all day – 55% say they’d order breakfast items at any time if they were offered. (Source
  • Current food trends include local sourcing, zero-waste cooking, fresh produce, and healthy kids meals, and global flavors. (Source)

Restaurant Technology Statistics

  • After POS technology and payment processing, the most popular back-office technologies were accounting software (52%, up from 31% in 2018) and payroll software (50%, up from 28% in 2018). (Source)
  • To seek out guest feedback, 29% of restaurateurs use manual comment cards, another 31% ask for feedback on their printed receipts, and 25% use a rating scale in digital receipts. (Source
  • The most important technology features for guests are online reservations and free wifi. (Source)
  • 73% of diners agree that restaurant technology improves their guest experience. (Source)
  • 95% of restaurateurs agree that restaurant technology improves their business efficiency. (Source)
  • The top features restaurateurs are looking for in a restaurant POS upgrade are ease of use, depth of reporting, and inventory reporting. (Source)
  • Restaurateurs say credit card processing, accounting, and inventory are the most important integrations to their restaurant POS. (Source)
  • 61% of diners agree that server handheld tablets improve their guest experience. (Source)


Toast POS