SMART Learning Objectives

To be useful, learning objectives should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-Focused, and Time-focused. For each objective, answer the following three questions: What do you want to accomplish? How will you acquire the learning? Under what conditions will the learning occur? What criteria will be used to evaluate your evidence? Who will do the evaluation?

By the end of the internship and within 12 months, I will be able to troubleshoot office software, including Microsoft Word and Excel, over the telephone with less than 3% error rate. I want to learn how to deal with irritable customers. I will develop four different responsive conversation techniques and briefly describe each in my log.

I will develop stronger people skills and learn how to establish a strong customer relationship. I will conduct three practice client presentations to department staff, and assist with at least one actual client presentation. My major goal for this internship is to help me determine if the specific tasks, structure and environment of a medium-size accounting firm is an appropriate career goal for me. I’ll learn about recruiting by helping to develop and validate skill assessment tests for job applicants.
