Nutrients Map

Farmers can track crop health, make planting decisions and guide fertilizer use using data from sensors, tractors and satellites. This approach — known as precision agriculture — has been especially helpful in tackling fertilizer loss. Nitrogen fertilizer is one of farmers’ biggest expenses, and is a major contributor to water pollution and climate change.

precision nutrient management is key to reducing the environmental impact of fertilizer. A new wave of data analytic tools and internet-of-things devices makes it easier to achieve that precision. “We’re trying to reduce the total number of nitrogen units that we apply,” says Iowa farmer Scott Henry.

EDF is working with agricultural retailers to harness market forces and accelerate sustainable farming practices. NutrientStar is an independent, science-based program that rigorously tests and reviews the performance of commercially available nutrient management tools. It’s like a ‘Consumer Reports for agriculture,’ with results that are freely available for anyone to use.


How emerging technology led to a new conservation solution on farms