Niche marketing

Often funded by member companies rather than individuals, joining a trade association adds credibility to a business, gives members access to skill building resources and offers an opportunity to network with like­minded institutions.

After all, if an association member is in a smaller industry it is especially difficult to find their products and services with a general Google search.

The push for specialized products and services is growing in certain industries and associations, due to business, legislative and environmental forces, representing great possibilities for business marketers.

For example, right now the healthcare IT field is booming and as a result, industry trade association membership swells, thus growing opportunities for business to business sales.

That’s thousands of prospective clients for healthcare IT products and services.

So, given associations offer a huge opportunity for business-to­business marketers, how does a company pitch their products or services to associations?

For example, one could ask a client if they are seeking business amongst a specific demographic, “Do you want to sell your services to more X professionals?”

If a prospective company’s competitor has or is currently using your product and services, use that information to make the sale.
