Micro-moment for Services?

We live in an on-demand world. Customers are the customer experience is how your customers are your customer experience. Your customers are how your brand brands are your customers. The way your customers can get the service you will be able to order a taxi, your customers will be how you will have your service. Everett says we live in a world of ‘liquid expectations’ These customer expectations are out of your hands. Ease of use has gone global. The ‘on-demand’ world has made it easier for customers to get what they want, when they want it. The new ‘slippery’ customer expectations have made it harder for brands to meet these expectations.

Digital has enabled the on-demand customer and, in turn, has set the bar high for access to your brand. Accessibility isn’t just about product, device, service or channel design. It’s the promise of brands to give a one-to-one customer experience to every customer. Choosing between chatbots and live chat for your customer experience goals means evaluating your customer service and your brand ‘s values against the expectations of the On-demand consumer. The chat channels are easy to staff 24/7, text-based, low-commitment, require low customer effort and provide increased access to your brand.

Chatbots are designed to connect with your customers in real-time. Chatbots can be used in more complex customer support situations, such as to check an order status or to provide guidance on how to make a purchase. Chatbot technology is not meant to replace human interaction, but to provide an on-demand, human-to-human experience of your brand. It’s a way of connecting people with your brand in a way they can’t do for themselves. It can also be used to help with complex customer service situations, like technical troubleshooting or to help customers with their purchase decisions. There are a number of ways to use chatbots, but the most important is to make sure you’re using them for the right reasons.


