Inter Planetary File System

The Inter Planetary File System Wants to Create a Permanent Web. A potential solution to the massive problem of linkrot. J.M. Porup: “Building an information network that will stay up forever is as modern as it gets” “We’re pushing for a fully distributed web, where applications don’t live at centralized servers, but operate all over the network from users’ computers,” says IPFS founder Juan Benet. “I find it very concerning that so much of human expression and human communication these days is routed entirely via centralized social networks which may disappear at any moment,” he says.

IPFS is a transport protocol like HTTP, only instead of a client-server model, IPFS connects to a network of distributed nodes to both serve and request data. All files are version controlled and cryptographically authenticated, and websites will load much faster over IPFS. Last week web hosting company Neocities became the first major site to implement IPFS in production. It’s important to note that IPFS remains experimental, but the potential is exciting.

IPIPFS is currently in alpha. It will be in beta in a few months. “We’re doing to websites…what Bitcoin did to money” “The science says it’s possible, so we’re building it,”. Benet says. “Building an information network that will stay up forever is as modern as it gets,” he writes. He wants to Create a Permanent Web. A potential solution to the massive problem of linkrot. J.M. Porup: “Building an information network that will stay up forever is as modern as it gets” “We’re pushing for a fully distributed web, where applications don’t live at centralized servers, but operate all over the network from users’ computers,” says IPFS founder Juan Benet. “I find it very concerning that so much of human expression and human communication these days is routed entirely via centralized social networks which may disappear at any moment,” he says.

IPFS is a transport protocol like HTTP, only instead of a client-server model, IPFS connects to a network of distributed nodes to both serve and request data. All files are version controlled and cryptographically authenticated, and websites will load much faster over IPFS. Last week web hosting company Neocities became the first major site to implement IPFS in production. It’s important to note that IPFS remains experimental, but the potential is exciting.

IPFS is currently in alpha. It will be in beta in a few months. “We’re doing to websites…what Bitcoin did to money” “The science says it’s possible, so we’re building it,”. Benet says. “Building an information network that will stay up forever is as modern as it gets,” he writes. “And then let’s see the fuckers try to burn down this Library of Alexandria,” he says.


The Inter Planetary File System Wants to Create a Permanent Web

IPFS – Content Addressed, Versioned, P2P File System (DRAFT 3) by Benet