Human or computer?

At present, the development of artificial intelligence in the taxation system is at the stage of automation of some tax-related transactions, such as tax-related questions and answers, online filing of tax returns, and invoice supervision.

In the future, the intelligent taxation system will enter the tax collection and management intelligence, gradually realize the intelligent consultation question and answer system, use the big data to analyze the tax relationship map and dynamic credit to realize the tax-related risk identification, and realize the tax system vulnerability investigation through the neural network operation.

The intelligent taxation system can judge the tax-related risk according to the tax relationship cloud chart and the dynamic credit scoring system.

According to the shareholding ratio of industrial and commercial registration, transaction data provided by value-added tax invoice, etc., combined with bank capital transaction information, data mining technology is used to achieve large Intelligent monitoring and processing of scale data implementation.

Based on the tax relationship cloud map, it is possible to comprehensively grasp the taxpayer’s economic activities and related conditions, analyze the authenticity of economic business and the rationality of related transactions in real time, monitor the accuracy and completeness of tax returns, and realize taxation risks.

In addition, artificial intelligence plays the role of a monitor based on the relationship cloud image, realizing the forecast of tax revenue, and providing the tax authorities with effective economic data reference by predicting the future tax amount.

The taxpayer relationship cloud map analyzes and supervises the economic activity behavior of enterprises based on the VAT invoice information, and outlines the supply chain information of the enterprise.