Social media algorithms are becoming central to everything you do. They act seamlessly between yourself and the task at hand. This guide is based on a combination of publicly disclosed information by the social networks, third-party research, some basic assumptions and a little common sense. The diagrams presented are not visual representations of the algorithms. Instead, they are more Decision Problems rather than algorithmic equations. Use them as a process and checklist you can follow to ensure your content and messaging has the best opportunity to receive maximum impact. The guide is updated and expanded upon each year.
Social networks have evolved from being a place where people connect to an information distribution platform. Many people now depend on social media algorithms to be informed and to keep up-to-date on news and events. In 2017 two thirds of American adults reported getting at least ‘some of their news’ from social media.
What works on one social network may not work for another which is why it is important to understand how each algorithm works to create the content to suit it. Not that the social networks give us the ‘secret sauce’ to their algorithms. They do, however, provide tidbits of advice and information on occasion either through their official channels or by their employees on social media.
In 2018, search was a bigger referrer to news sites over social for the first time since 2015. Facebook announced that it intends to start prioritizing “meaningful conversations’ instead of news articles. Twitter is killing automation on the platform meaning any bots that create fake engagement via likes, follows or retweets will be quashed.