Machine learning

Part 2: Data I will start with the raw data (documents) that we need to extract…

Machine learning

Part 1: Ebb & flow EHLAi (pronounce “Ela”) is a conversational bot with machine learning capabilities.…

Venture Capital: Ai

list compiled by Francesco Corea 2Ventures (NY): a seed investment fund focusing only on machine intelligence…

AI landscape

Image from Asgard VC


Experimentation with unfamiliar technology is not encouraged–especially for traditional accountants. Algorithms and AI are inherently probabilistic,…

Third time is a charm

The belief that the third time something happens is more likely to succeed than the previous…

Vietnamese: n-grams

For language, most NLP algorithms have focused on the frequency of an individual word as the…

Trilingual NLP

I will explain my thoughts and approach statistically to NLP,  such as  Statistical  Machine Translation (SMT)…

Zipf’s Law

Outside of language, word frequency, Zipf’s law applies to the city population[1], firm size [2], and…

Use Your Words

Zipf’s law states that given a large sample of words used, the frequency of any word…