There is a growing demand for U.S. made products among middle-class consumers in China. Social media…
Category: Accounting Intelligence
The Use of Sina Weibo and Twitter by International Luxury Hotels
Microblogs are widely used in the ser-vice industry. Primary uses include sharing compliments and general information…
Understanding User Behavior in Sina Weibo
Sina Weibo is one of the most popular social network sites in China. Despite its popularity,…
Average Twitter followers
The average Twitter followers across all sectors shows that B2C industries tend to dominate this metric,…
Media usage rates
Companies tend to use Instagram and Facebook much more heavily for the promotion of media assets…
Weekday vs. weekend posting activity
At an aggregate level, companies in B2C sectors (such as Consumer Discretionary or Consumer Staples) tend…
Popular hours to post
Collectively, posting activity on social media across all companies tends to follow a bell curve, with…
Popular hours to post by social network
Companies tend to post on LinkedIn and Instagram predominantly during working hours. Other networks, like Facebook…
Popular days to post
Across all industries and company sizes, companies tend to publish about 80% of their social media…
The Emotions that Make Marketing Campaigns Go Viral
Researchers tracked emoticons embedded in millions of messages posted on Sina Weibo, a popular Twitter-like microblogging…