There are two contrary views on millennials. The first is that they are different to previous…
29% of Millennials visit YouTube once a day. Millennials coincidentally are going to make up 75%…
Appointment: Part 1
Appointment: Part 2 Automated Chat-bot Proper scheduling of appointments is key to an efficient and economically…
Restaurant: Accounting
These are the things you will need to get you restaurant running smoothly. You have invested…
Cognitive bias algorithms Availability cascade – repeat something over and over and it will come true.…
Walk away
In 2017, online consumers placed over $9 trillion on their shopping carts according to Forrester. Online…
Third time is a charm
The belief that the third time something happens is more likely to succeed than the previous…
How many times do I need to do this?
The KYC process cost financial institutions an estimated $48 million per year [1], and digital ledger…
Vietnamese: n-grams
For language, most NLP algorithms have focused on the frequency of an individual word as the…