
Shoestring marketing on Post COVID re-opening

Get online If you can afford it get an online website, if you are not computer-savvy,…

Open source facial projects – Part 2

Face_recognitionThe world’s simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line FacenetFace recognition using Tensorflow…

Facial recognition list – Part 1

FaceFirst Blippar Face2Gene EmoticonAR for Messenger OneSpan (formerly Vasco) Face Phi Log Me Mojipop Closeli Camera…

Beauty Services Industry

SIC Code: 7231, 7241 NAICS Code: 812111, 812112 The US hair care services industry includes about…

Why American small business isn’t equipped for the new rules of warfare — Part 1

    “Business in the New Economy is a civilized version of war…” — Mark B Fuller…

Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) post-COVID for revenue maximization

By luck, as I was trying to solve a different problem that I felt was going…

Post-COVID future of work

The reality is now setting in that for the immediate future (the next six to twelve…

SMBs waste time on paper

Don’t repeat others’ mistakes

You need to develop a mindset that wants to change, innovate, and improve, not just imitate.…

Steps to AI for nail salons, restaurants and other small businesses

Artificial intelligence for main street is more than robots, self-driving cars, natural language processing (NLP), machine…