In this book, we will explore how quantum mechanics and quantum field theory can be used to model financial markets. More importantly, we will study how modern AI technologies such as artificial neural networks, fuzzy logics, genetic algorithms, chaos theory, and fractals can be integrated with quantum finance model to design and implement intelligent real-time financial forecast and quantum trading systems.
Figure 1.7 shows the concentric sphere model of quantum finance.
First Tier—Energy Field Layer
- The core,
- Provides quantum field—quantum price field (QPF).
Second Tier—Chaotic Neural Network Layer
- Provides the neural dynamics in quantum finance,
- Supports neural oscillators and chaotic neural networks.
Third Tier—AI-fintech Layer Provides AI-finance technology tools
- Supports fuzzy logics (FLs),
- genetic algorithms (GAs),
- chaos theory (CT),
- fractals,
- support vector machine (SVM), etc.
Fourth Tier—Application Layer
- Quantum price levels (QPLs),
- Short-term price prediction,
- Long-term trend prediction, and
- Intelligent multiagent-based trading systems.