Micro-Moments Wins

The Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT) was originally introduced by Google in 2011. The ZMOT states…

Micro-moment for Services?

We live in an on-demand world. Customers are the customer experience is how your customers are…

Google & Micro-moments

  Auto237 https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/marketing-strategies/micro-moments/  

Micro-moments in Mobile Commerce

One of the most important marketers’ goals is reaching target audience. For many years these moments…


Google has coined the term “micro-moments” to describe moments when consumers act on a need. A…

Why consumer intent is more powerful than demographics

Marketers who rely only on demographics to reach consumers risk missing more than 70% of potential…

Identity-Based Consumer Behavior

Consumer behavior is driven by the desire to understand who one is, what one believes and…

What we buy

Economists taught machines to guess a person’s income, race, political ideology, education and gender. Their results…

User Habits from Google Maps

Smart devices become a useful tool for user movement recognition, since they are equipped with different…

Live Selling

Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, and Giving Tuesday are all set for 2020. Cyber…