Customer Journey

Make Your Journey Maps Measurable with Customer Journey Analytics. Use Data to Identify the Most Significant…

Micro-moments that matter: How to effectively target Chinese

Just 15 percent of China’s population shopped online a few years ago. Now 40 percent…and counting.…

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a hybrid of old and new marketing tools. It takes the idea of…

The influence of macro and micro-environmental factors on the consumption of mobile phones and marketing strategies

The study by Yvonne Yam aims to explore how the mobile phone presents itself at the…

Micro-moments VS Macro-moments

It is important to understand that not every decision can be made as hastily as in…

Incorporating Micro-Moments Marketing into Your Business

Micro is a term used by Google is defined by Google. Google is used to refer…

What Buyers want

Over half of shoppers miss the personal 1:1 experience buying from an associate in a store.…

Rise of the Micro-moment

Marketing and designing for the micro-moment requires customization. Google’s Director of Performance, Matt Bush, believes many…

Asian Buyers

Asian buyers are the largest group of foreign property buyers in many parts of the world.…

Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT)

88% of U.S. consumers now engage in the “zero moment of truth” prior to making their…