Social Media Valuation

Social Media’s Unique Valuation is determined by each company’s ability to generate revenue. For investors and financial advisors to agree upon the valuation of a social media site, they must evaluate the reasons why advertisers spend so much money on each site. With this new information from social media sites, every user becomes a potential customer.

Social media sites are highly valuable for more than simple advertising advantages. They are able to accrue and hold onto large amounts of hard data about people. For many of the big names in social networking, the stock market values a user anywhere from just under $100 up to $1,000. This is what you, the user, are worth to them.

Businesses should be happy if 50% of their fans take action on each post. A click is worth the same if the audience and tactics are right. If you are noticing a decline in engagement, it may be time for a social media audit. Or if you are getting the clicks but no conversions one of our FREE website health checks could give you a clue.

Social Media Valuation

How TikTok’s Value Per User Compares To Facebook And Other Social Media Platforms