The future of insurance agent

Insurance provides financial protection to the community by pooling resources to manage risks. That approach is now being significantly refined by insurers’ increased capacity to examine risks in greater detail. The outcome is that increased individual risk pricing will make premiums fairer. This will have implications for the cost and availability of insurance for all consumers.


The Impact of Big Data on the Future of Insurance

References (Interesting!!)

The future of life insurance (McKinsey)

Insurance of the Future What will it look like in 2025 (Deloitte)

Insurance Reinvented (KPMG)

insurance-2020-turning-change-into-opportunity (PWC)

The future of insurance distribution (Accenture)

The Future of Life Insurance (Capgemini)

Future-Proofing Insurance: Deepening Insights, Reinventing Processes and Reshaping Services (Cognizant)