YouTube Anchors and Enders: The Use of Shared Online Video Content as a Macrocontext for Learning

There are many uses for YouTube and other videos for learning. In coming years, shared online video content may entail more than one-third of the content of courses in higher education. The use of online video and other online resources and materials can supplement a traditional course or perhaps push it into a blended learning format.

Anchoring instruction with online video content can happen at any moment. It can be done at the start of class, at the end, or whenever deemed necessary or advantageous. Online video can be used in face-to-courses as well as blended and fully online ones.

we all can use in nearly any lesson to make it come alive. Online videos link many Web 2.0 technologies and associated pedagogies in instruction. They can be anchors as well as enders for instruction. Increasingly instructors will be relying on shared online video content.
