Engaging the YouTube Google-Eyed Generation: Strategies for Using Web 2.0 in Teaching and Learning

Students today have grown up within a world of pervasive technology including mobile phones, digital cameras, and the internet. They absorb information quickly, in images and video as well as text, from multiple sources simultaneously. They operate at what Prensky (2004) describes as, “twitch speed”, expecting instant responses and feedback.

New Web 2.0 technologies and websites, such as a blog, wiki or YouTube, make new demands on learning. They provide new supports to learning, even as they also dismantle some of the learning supports upon which education has depended in the past.

The focus of this paper will be on a pragmatic exploration of blogs, YouTube and wikis as illustrative and typical examples of technologies and websites that reflect the changing landscape of our Web 2.0 learning landscape. It is envisaged that this will provide some starting frames of reference within. the reader to consider strategies for using Web.2.0 within teaching and learning.

