Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning

This paper will discuss the benefits of the use of YouTube in the instructional process consistent with the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning. The research suggests that targeted YouTube videos enhance the engagement, depth of understanding, and the overall satisfaction of students. Findings will be presented from a study conducted at a Mid-Atlantic Historically Black College or University (HBCU) that focused on the impact of YouTube on course instruction and student engagement as well as differences in perception based on gender.

More video is added to YouTube per month than the 3.55 major U.S. television networks created in 60 years. YouTube is not just one of the most visited sites on the Web; it is currently the number 2 search engine, despite being first and foremost a video sharing service and not a search engine. While there are over 50 video sharing services in existence, YouTube is without question the goliath.

Scholarship involving the use of YouTube has been prevalent since its introduction in 2005. A 2013 article reviewed the YouTube related articles published between 2007 and 2013 in seven major educational technology journals. According to their findings, there remains a lack of significant research focusing on the impact of YouTube on student learning. Teaching and learning remain an area where more research on the use and impact of YouTube is needed.
