The Case For Secure Delegation

Internet users often want to authorize untrusted machines to perform some operation on their behalf without…

Semantic Modelling of Smart City Data

Cities present an opportunity for rendering Web of Things (WoT) enabled services. According to the World…

SentiCart: Cartography and Geo-contextualization for Multilingual Visual Sentiment

High-volume and weakly-supervised data are driving increased interest in large-scale sentiment studies in affective computing. These…

Sentiment Analysis and E-Learning: a Proposal

Recent studies showed that emotions can affect the e-learning experience. E-classrooms are often composed by students…

SentiMeter-Br: Facebook and Twitter Analysis Tool to Discover Consumers’ Sentiment

Sentimeter-Br dictionary covers unigrams (single element/word), bigrams (two adjacent elements) and stopwords (words in a search…

YouTube Anchors and Enders: The Use of Shared Online Video Content as a Macrocontext for Learning

There are many uses for YouTube and other videos for learning. In coming years, shared online…

2018 Skills Gap Report: An Analysis of Job Ads & Resumes

MIT Technology Review: Employers looking for higher level technical skills generally do not have a hard…

Implementation of student loan backed securitization in the Malaysian higher education

Student loan-backed securitization (SLBS) has been applied worldwide, in developed countries as well as recently in…

Smart Locker Bank Design: A Scenario Based Optimization Approach

Smart locker banks are collections of communal mail boxes (lockers) where consumers can collect parcels by…

Introduction to Special Section on Social Networking, Teaching, and Learning Social Networking, Teaching, and Learning

Students need a high level of social and creative engagement in learning. The importance of interactivity…