2019 HMDA – Race and Ethnicity

One of the 2015 HMDA rule changes to historical HMDA data points altered reporting requirements for race and ethnicity. Beginning in 2018, mortgage applicants now have the option of providing disaggregated information for the Asian, Pacific Islander, and Native American race categories and for the Hispanic ethnicity category. Of the total of 17.5 million records in the 2019 HMDA data, including open-end LOCs, about 1.6 million records (8.9 percent) included at least one disaggregated racial or ethnic category. Even though the number of records reporting at least one disaggregated racial or ethnic category increased from 1.3 million (10 percent) in 2018, because of an increase in the total number of records, the share has decreased from 2018 to 2019. Asian Indian was the most commonly reported disaggregated race at 1.2 percent and Mexican was the most commonly reported disaggregated ethnicity at 2.7 percent.
